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I am a PhD student advised by Rohan Padhye and Vyas Sekar. I work on building practical debugging and testing tools for heterogeneous cloud applications. My email address is [email protected].


SPIDER: A Practical Fuzzing Framework to Uncover Stateful Performance Issues in SDN Controllers
Ao Li, Rohan Padhye, Vyas Sekar ICST 2025

The Havoc Paradox in Generator-Based Fuzzing (Registered Report)
Ao Li, Madonna Huang, Caroline Lemieux, Rohan Padhye FUZZING 2024

ExChain: Exception Dependency Analysis for Root Cause Diagnosis
Ao Li, Shan Lu, Suman Nath, Rohan Padhye, Vyas Sekar NSDI 2024

Guiding Greybox Fuzzing with Mutation Testing
Vasudev Vikram, Isabella Laybourn, Ao Li, Nicole Nair, Kelton OBrien, Rafaello Sanna, Rohan Padhye ISSTA 2023

Automatic Horizontal Fusion for GPU Kernels
Ao Li, Bojian Zheng, Gennady Pekhimenko, Fan Long CGO 2022

Watching the watchmen: Least privilege for managed network services
Guyue Liu, Ao Li, Christopher Canel, Vyas Sekar HotNets 2021

Securing Smart Contract with Runtime Validation
Ao Li, Jemin Andrew Choi, Fan Long PLDI 2020

Polarimetric Dense Monocular SLAM
Luwei Yang, Feitong Tan, Ao Li, Zhaopeng Cui, Yasutaka Furukawa, Ping Tan CVPR 2018 (oral)


Fray: An Efficient General-Purpose Concurrency Testing Platform for the JVM [Appendix]
Ao Li, Byeongjee Kang, Vasudev Vikram, Isabella Laybourn, Samvid Dharanikota, Shrey Tiwari, Rohan Padhye


Augmented Imaging Assistance For Visual Impairment
Anirudh Koul, Ao Li, Elias Haroun, Irene Wen Ling Chen, Shweta Sharma, Christiano Bianchet, Saqib Shaikh, Stéphane Morichère-Matte, Biing Tsyr Lai, Nathan Pak Kei Lam, Wendy Lu

Managing network configuration through network path analysis
John David Backes, Samuel Bayless, Daniel William Dacosta, Ao Li

Work Experience


Applied Scientist Intern: Amazon AWS (Summer 2023), Distributed System Testing

Research Intern: Microsoft Research (Summer 2022), Cloud Reliability

Software Engineer Intern: Amazon AWS (Summer 2020), Network Verification

Software Engineer Intern: Google (Summer 2017), Android LLVM Toolchain

Software Engineer Intern: Google (Summer 2016), Gmail iOS Notification

Software Engineer Intern: Microsoft (Spring 2016), Seeing AI


Teaching Assistant: University of Toronto (Spring 2020), CSC 488/ 2107 - Compilers and Interpreters

Teaching Assistant: University of Toronto (Winter 2019), CSC 324 - Programming Language

Teaching Assistant: Simon Fraser University (Spring 2018), CMPT 379 - Principles of Compiler Design


Ph.D. Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University (2020-)

M.Sc. Computer Science, University of Toronto (2018-2020)

B.Sc. Computer Science, Simon Fraser University (2015-2018)

B.Eng. Computer Science, Zhejiang University (2013-2018)